Manage Purchase with A3Sola

The purchase/buying cycle deals with your company’s stock, assets, and cash outflow in the form of purchases. These can range from individual raw materials for manufacturing, laptops used by administrative employees, to the stack of sticky notes in your office’s stationery. It encapsulates all expenses incurred by your company. All of these purchases directly influence other integral parts of your business, such as inventory and accounting. The better your purchases are managed, the better these other functions will be. it enables you to make quicker and more efficient decisions, reducing any potentially wasteful and damaging fallout.

Manage Purchase with A3Sola


In a3sola Any product, material, or service that your company buys is considered an item.

Purchase Request

Any item or material that requires procurement is initiated as a purchase request. Once authorized by a purchase manager, this request triggers the process of soliciting quotations from suppliers. The request for a quotation is a pivotal step in the procurement cycle, serving as the formal invitation to suppliers to provide pricing and terms for the desired item. This process streamlines and standardizes the purchasing procedure, ensuring transparency, cost-effectiveness, and optimal supplier selection. Upon receiving and evaluating the quotations, the purchase manager can make informed decisions that align with the company's objectives and budget constraints. This systematic approach enhances efficiency, minimizes unnecessary expenditures, and contributes to the overall efficacy of the procurement process.


Suppliers are companies or individuals who provide your business with products or services. In an a3sola, you can create multiple suppliers and sort them into various categories. This helps you to create a centralized buying system with your suppliers. a3sola will also provide you with supplier scorecards, a tool you can use to evaluate the performance of suppliers. Generally, they allow you to keep track of item quality, delivery, and responsiveness of suppliers over a long period.

Request for Quotation

A request for quotation (or ‘RFQ’) is a document that an organization sends to one or more suppliers asking for a quotation for items. These items are usually stored in the A3sola Application, which enables tracking against stocks and inventory. RFQs can be made against approved Material requests.

Supplier Quotation

A supplier quotation is a document specifying the items, conditions, and costs of the goods/services a supplier is willing to provide to your business within a specified period. Suppliers that have been granted limited access to your a3sola application can view the relevant RFQs and respond to them within the ERP with a drafT supplier quotation.

Purchase Order

A purchase order is a binding contract between you and your supplier. The contract details the agreed-upon terms and conditions (e.G., Taxes, time frame) of your purchase from them within a given period. After this step, the logistics are generally handled using inventory and accounting modules. Your chosen a3sola application software may also have purchase taxes & charges templates, which are templates that you can create to apply tax conditions to any items you buy.