Manage Items & Inventory with A3Sola

Get ready to revolutionize your inventory management with A3Sola's Stock module! With this powerful tool, you'll be able to easily track and manage your products and warehouses with detailed information, real-time reports, and optimized stock levels. Plus, it seamlessly integrates with other modules like Purchase, Manufacturing, and Accounting for a streamlined inventory management experience.

Manage Items & Inventory with A3Sola


An Item refers to a product or service offered by your company, as well as raw materials or components of products yet to be produced. A3sola provides a comprehensive solution for managing all types of items, including raw materials, sub-assemblies, finished goods, item variants, and service items.With A3sola, you can efficiently manage your sales and purchase of itemized products and services. If your business is service-based, you can create separate items for each service offered. It is crucial to fully complete the Item Master in order to fully utilize the capabilities of A3sola.


This feature in A3Sola enables businesses to organize and manage their inventory by creating sub-Warehouses, such as shelves within their physical location, for more efficient storage and tracking of goods.

Opening stock

It is the inventory a company has at the beginning of a new accounting period. It is calculated by taking the closing stock from the previous period and using it as the starting point for the current period. This helps to determine the amount and value of materials available for sale or use by the company.

Price Lists

In A3Sola it is a feature that allows users to keep track of different prices for multiple items for both selling and purchasing. These lists can be customized based on factors such as shipping costs, currency, and region, and each item can have multiple prices stored as different rate plans. The system also separates buying and selling prices for items.

Item Variant

It is a version of an Item with different attributes such as size or color.For example, a t-shirt available in different sizes and colors like small, medium, large and red, blue, green would be considered as an Item template and each of the variations would be an Item Variant.This allows for more efficient inventory management as the small, medium and large versions of a t-shirt can be treated as variations of one Item, rather than three separate Items.

Item attributes

Item attributes are characteristics or features that are assigned to a product variant. These attributes can include things like colour, size, length, and other specifications that help to define the variant. They allow for easy organization and identification of products, and can also be used to create multiple variations of a single item.

Unit of Measure

A Unit of Measure is a unit using which an Item is measured. By default, there are many UoMs created in A3Sola. However, more can be added depending on your business use case.In the UoM there is an option 'Must be Whole Number'. If this is checked, you cannot use fraction numbers in this UoM. The UoM list by itself only stores the name. The actual conversion rates are stored in a document called 'UoM Conversion Factor'.If you add new UoMs and plan to use it in transactions where it'll be converted to other UoMs, it is advised that you add it to this list.

Delivery Trip records

A Delivery Trip records all the customer deliveries that are made in one vehicle. The system allows or multiple stops to be added and for a submitted delivery note to be tagged for each individual customer. Additionally, by setting the customer's address and the driver's address, the system can calculate an estimated arrival time for each delivery using data from Google Maps. Furthermore, using Google Maps, the system can calculate the most efficient route for all deliveries to ensure timely and efficient delivery.

Material Request

A Material Request is a document that outlines the specific items needed for a specific purpose,such as purchasing from a vendor,transferring between warehouse locations, issuing for use in operations, manufacturing in-house, or obtaining from the customer. The request includes details such as quantity needed and delivery date to ensure the correct materials are acquired.

Delivery Note

A Delivery Note is a document that is generated when a shipment is sent from the company's warehouse to the customer. It usually accompanies the shipment and is sent with the transporter. The Delivery Note contains a list of the items that are included in the shipment and updates the company's inventory accordingly. The use of a Delivery Note is optional, as a Sales Invoice can also be created directly from a Sales Order. However, if a Delivery Note is created from a Sales Order, all of the information about unshipped items and other details will be carried over. Additionally, the user has the ability to edit the posting date and time, as the current date and time will automatically be set when the Delivery Note is created. One important feature of the Delivery Note is that the quantities of items can be adjusted. For example, if a Sales Order states that 10 items are to be delivered, but only 5 are being delivered this week and the remaining will be sent next week, the user can create two separate Delivery Notes for the two different shipments.

Stock Entry

It is used to record the movement of items between warehouses. Stock Entries can be made for various purposes such as material issue, material receipt, material transfer, material transfer for manufacturing, material consumption for manufacture, manufacture, repack, and send to subcontractors. The source and target warehouses are set in these entries, depending on the purpose. The Items will be added or deducted from the warehouse accordingly. Material consumption, material transfer, and manufacture can also be done against a Work Order or Job Card. Stock Entries can be made from a Purchase Order for subcontracting activities.

Packing slips

Packing slips are an essential document in the shipping process as they provide a detailed list of the items that are included in a shipment. This helps ensure that the correct items have been delivered and that nothing is missing or damaged. The packing slip is usually attached to the goods delivered, making it easy for the recipient to verify the contents of the shipment. It is also useful for tracking and inventory purposes.